Ozone Water Purification


Ozone is an unstable molecule which readily gives up one atom of oxygen providing a powerful oxidising agent which is toxic to most waterborne organisms it is a very strong, broad spectrum disinfectant that is widely used in Europe. It also works well against almost all other pathogens. Ozone is made by passing oxygen through ultraviolet light or a “cold” electrical discharge”. To use ozone as a disinfectant, it must be created on-site and added to the water by bubble contact. Some of the advantages of ozone include the production of fewer dangerous by-products and the absence of taste and odour problems (in comparison to chlorination). Another advantage of ozone is that it leaves no residual disinfectant in the water. Ozone has been used in drinking water plants since 1906 where the first industrial ozonation plant was built in Nice, France. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has accepted ozone as being safe; and it is applied as an anti-microbiological agent for the treatment, storage, and processing of foods.

For Chemical Free Floor Cleaning you can now have the best of both worlds with the new  & system,
which is available on the new range of pedestrian scrubber driers.


Aqueous ozone is produced by our unique on-board, on demand system will clean hard floors during daily use, reducing the harmful bacteria that can build up on hard floors & in the scrubber itself. Our Zer03 unit produces the aqueous ozone on demand so there is no chance of degradation or dilution of the product as with other systems. If deeper cleaning or floor preparation is required the operator can switch to the Suds system which will inject chemical from a reservoir at a preset dilution into the water that feeds the scrub deck.

Chemical Free Floor Cleaning here is how we do it…

Aqueous ozone is produced by using electricity to add an extra oxygen molecule to O2, creating O3.  This O3 is then infused into cold tap water to create safe aqueous ozone which is able to clean for up to 4 hours. The Zer03 unit fits neatly inside the floor scrubber converting the tap water from the solution tank into Aqueous ozone, which will clean hard surfaces without chemicals, so reducing the carbon footprint